A lot of internal and external factors like specifications of a character, domestic surroundings, etc. have their own influence on sexual intercourses. It is necessary to emphasize domestic upbringing function, particularly the sexual education. The lack of a sexual upbringing, gotten at a child’s age, puts its own ‘seal’ on the further sexual life,

the intercourses with the opposite sex. In order to establish a healthy sexual intercourse, it’s very important to choose a corresponding/ right partner. The parent’s image of the opposite sex plays a significant part in choosing a marital partner. If that parent’s role is positive in the family, the choosing of such a partner will be an advantageous precondition for creating a sexual and marital harmony in future.

Besides the above-listed, it is necessary to separate another important factor, the economic one, which forms sexual intercourses. Particularly men can have a series of sexual problems under the negative influence of the economic factor. The man often directs all his abilities and aims in obtaining material means without having much time and strength to live a full sexual life. The absence of material means can make the man feel himself imperfect, depressive which lead to the failure of a sexual intercourse. This same circumstance in a family generates general nervousness, an emotional unstable situation, which is manifested in the married couple’s sexual intercourses. As for women, the economic factor can have an influence on choosing a partner and changing their attitude towards him. Situational factors also influence on a sexual life to which women are subject more than men are. They pay much more attention to the surroundings (the interior of a bedroom). Men are less subject to the influence of the situational factors. Situational advantageous factors can encourage the manifestations of their (both men, and women) sexual abilities. So, the man’s sexual behavior, having biological preconditions on the basis, is subject to a lot of social effects during the life, it is formed, developed and changed under their influence becoming the source of specific and more intimate feelings for each person.