Let’s imagine what is going on the woman’s organism having an active sexual life if her husband is unattainable for some time or unfortunately leaves the life (dies). We speak about the woman who lives a healthy and regular sexual life and has no sexual problem.

In a little while dissatisfied sexual necessity, gradually maturing, creates inner intensity or discomfort in her organism. Such situation is conditioned by nervous-hormonal mechanisms, as the participating systems of the sexual function run with an intensive regime and haven’t adapted themselves to the new ones yet. Increasing sexual sensitivity appears… the most insignificant sexual irritators can generate desire, the woman starts seeing erotic dreams, and incomprehensible intensity, easily excitability, nervousness appear in her body. Let’s remember that in case of healthy sex and orgasm, substances like morphine, which have a relaxing influence on the nervous system and stabilize the emotional sphere, free themselves in the brain. Some women stand the situation of sexual abstinence quite easily, but there are also such ones who don’t manage to get inner relaxation and physiological comfort. This group of women has clinical signs, which are the connection of the nervous system. They are as follows: headaches, problems with breathing, emotional instability, and pains in the area of genitals and in the other parts of the body. If the woman isn’t against the masturbation, in that period, as a rule, this type of sexual activity is intensively tested by satisfying sexual passion a little. If the woman refers inherently negative to the masturbation, the feeling of a sexual dissatisfaction will begin torturing her. How much dangerous is such condition for the health of the organism? From biological viewpoint sexual need is a reliable guarantee for the generation’s continuation created by nature in it. The woman, by whom there is no man, doesn’t feel herself as a full woman as without a man she can never become a mother. Besides continuation of a generation, the sexual function has also a lot of other motivations which mainly satisfy the woman’s psychic and social needs. For example, need in a warm personal relation, deliverance from the sense of being alone, the fact of being loved and desired, and enjoyment of freedom. And if the generation’s continuation is impossible without any intimate relation, so the satisfaction of the above-listed needs is quite realizable due to the contacts of the other format. Here a question arises: are these unhealthy symptoms of a sexual abstinence due to/ because of insufficient satisfaction of these needs? If yes, so the sexual dissatisfaction is just a screen, under which simple personal needs are hidden. Having no sexual life the woman, who has found other forms of satisfaction of the above-listed wants, can easily live without any sex. There will even be no necessity to go to the masturbation, if we speak about the women who free themselves from inner psychic discomfort in this way. So, the absence of a sexual life has no dramatic influence on the quality of a woman’s life in itself, if she has once solved the problem of the generation’s continuation. And the nervous-hormonal mechanisms are so flexible that in case of absence of a sexual life they work in such a regime that creates maximum physiological comfort. The above-mentioned don’t belittle the role of sexual intercourse and sexual pleasure in a woman’s life at all. We speak about that we shouldn’t consider the sexual life and pleasure as a dominant idolize them, as the sexual health and the health in general suppose a sense of moderation and absence of obtrusive ideas and thoughts.