Health is one of the most important factors for a man to be happy. Sexual health is an integral part of a total health condition. Main components of sexual health are as follows:

to get sexual pleasure corresponding to social and individual norms;

to have a full sexual contact;

to have a wrong idea about sexuality and a sense of fear, shame, guilt;

to have no diseases of organs stimulating the sexual and genital function.

Social norms are pleasant norms, values, criterion of a sexual life and sexuality in a society which  disorder leads to a couple’s sexual disharmony causing  definite sexual complexes by the person. Social norm is formed due to formation of personality, at the same time due to  its total psychic,  physiological and social puberty. Social norms are established in the period of upbringing. Their disorder may cause a sense of guilt, shame and remorse in association with sexual anxieties. It leaves an indelible track on a man’s further sexual life.

Individual norm is a derivative of the social norm. It is formed under  the influence of individual-personal qualities. Two different people can perceive the social norm in a quite different way. For example, one of the children brought up in an anti-sexual  family can take an abandoned sexual life while the other one may suffer from having problems in relation to the contacts with the opposite sex.  In this case, social constraint isn’t enough to form a man’s sexuality.

The other necessary condition of sexual health is full sexual contacts and communications. Sexual contact is the ability to share your sexual desires, feelings, fantasy and expectations with each other.

What does sexual disharmony mean?

Each psychic, emotional and physiological dissatisfaction of the sexual partners, being the reason of the disorder of sexual harmony, is considered to be  sexual disharmony. That’s to say that sexual disharmony  is a friction in the couple’s intimate intercourses.

Sexual disharmony is manifested with a decrease of sexual demands, of having a sexual intercourse with that partner. Men have an erectile dysfunction, and women have  no sexual desire, frequency of orgasm decreases or is quite absent.

Which are the reasons of sexual disharmony?

The reason of sexual disharmony is often psychic and personal qualities of men and women.

Personal and psychic incompatibility is observed in case when the married couple has diverse individual qualities, it means that they differ from each other with level of development and education, viewpoints upon life and material values, when they have different cultural and sexual needs, habits, tastes, interests and inclinations. Under such inconsistency the married couple is unable to share their feelings and anxieties with each other; they devaluate or evaluate each other which become the reason of their parting and isolation. In relation to the partner negative emotions like fear, hatred, and indifference prevent the man from giving him/herself to sensual feelings and trusting the partner in the moment of intimacy. If they have been alien to each other during all their lives, they will never have deep interpersonal connection and consequently sexual harmony.

Personal inconsistency procreates conflicts which with time influence on sexual intercourses. Often the married couple doesn’t understand where went wrong, they just see the results of this incompatibility, for example, unconsolidated psychic situation or sexual disorder. In such cases difficulties about interpersonal and sexual relations occur very often leading them to some vicious circle.

However, sexual disharmony may take place due to harmonious interpersonal intercourses. It is very difficult especially for women to solve such kind of situation, since she loves her husband very much, but meantime she would like to leave him as he doesn’t satisfy her sexually. Besides conflicts cannot be accompanied by a sexual disharmony, but with time they can have a negative influence on intimate relations and decrease the married couple’s sexual activity.

The other reason of a sexual disharmony is a physiological disorder. Men have erectile dysfunction (sexual weakness or impotence), early ejaculation, increase or decrease of a sexual desire. Women have a weak sexual  desire, vaginism, genitalgia (pains due to sexual intercourses), late sexual manifestation (infantilism) and also diseases of sexual organs and  neuropsychic disorder. That’s why timely diagnosis and treatment are urgent in order to avoid sexual disharmony.