Nocturnal emission is an involuntary ejaculation (wet dream) which happens in dreams independent on sexual intercourse at the time of erotic content. It often occurs among teenagers. Nocturnal emission, as a rule, comes to an end only after when a man begins living in a regular sexual life. Nocturnal emission is not lapse from a normal state,

it testifies regular hormonal activity of sexual glands. In case of absence of the above mentioned reasons and usual rhythm of sexual glands, acceleration of nocturnal emission (if it happens every day or several times a day) says about sexual malfunction. In this case you should apply to a specialist.

Nocturnal emission happens when a person sees erotic dreams and doesn’t disturb them. Besides nocturnal emission, there is also a day wet dream which occurs mostly under circumstances of natural sexual-erotic arousal but with no intimacy (often during embrace, kissing, sometimes under visual impression, for example, at the sight of a naked woman).Day wet dreams may occur by non-sexual stimuli, very often in case of strong anxiety (a sense of fear) or shakings in transports, doing gymnastic exercises. The first wet dreams with appearance of a sense of orgasm gives evidence to the beginning process of pubescence. Some specialists compare the first wet dream of young men with the first menstruation of women.

By old men nocturnal emission , as a rule, is the result of sexual continence. It provides periodic nocturnal emission of sperm and mitigates hard manifestation of continence (psychological concentration on sexual themes, spontaneous erection and etc.). The first wet dream and its acceleration make for individual qualities (physical constitution, character, etc.), general condition of health, the way of living and the person’s interests. 

According to the contemporary sexology wet dream occurs among women. It is related to elaboration of the secret of sexual glands. This phenomenon not often happens among women who live in not a usual sexual way.

By teen-agers and young men wet dream happens once a week, by men once a month. Under some circumstances men cannot have wet dreams at all. But in the period of sexual continence nocturnal emissions happen very frequently. Normal nocturnal emission doesn’t do any harm to health and doesn’t accompany with unpleasant feelings. Weakness and depression, being noticed by the young men after wet dreams, are the consequence of false imagination about wet dreams but they are emergence of some diseases. After some necessary clarifications fear about your own health disappears.