Pregnancy and child delivery are the heaviest periods in a woman’s life, after which some time is required for the recovery of organism, including its sexual function.
The recovery of sexual function after delivery is connected with a series of physiological and psychological factors between couples.

After delivery some women have postpartum depression, which is connected with the low level of estrogens, breastfeeding for a long time, insomnia, overtiredness, etc. 
Depressive state and constant tiredness lead to a woman losing her interest towards sexual life, which in its turn brings forth a decline of sexual desire and sometimes even its absence. 
Carried out researches have shown that dispareunia (pain during a sexual relationship) and anorgasmia  are observed among a series of women in the post-delivery period, conditioned by badly moistening of vagina, change of its sizes, not complete recovery of vaginal muscles, as well as disorder of formation of orgasm circle during sexual relationship. 
The mentioned sexual disorders remain for 6-12 months. The recovery of sexual activity among 90% of women is noted not earlier than after 6 months from delivery.
4-6 weeks are required after delivery in order for all the changes, which happened during pregnancy in the womb, to be over. Consequently, sexual contact is not desirable during that period for the following reasons:

1. After delivery women’s genitals are prone to the influence of various infections, as the existing blood discharge is a favorable environment for the increase of bacteria.
2. Bleeding during sexual relationship.

These physiological and psychological changes in women impact interpersonal relationships of couples. Thus, a man’s role in the regulation of sexual life is irreplaceable, who not only has to understand and help, but also be ready to go through that “experience”.